Clinical Training

Event Registration Form

If you are an AO ORP faculty and interested in organizing a clinical training, please fill in this form!

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Additional remarks:

Clinical Training

Select Clinical Training Modules for your event. Please do not select more than 3 modules per event: *

AO In-Hospital for ORP; Online Trauma Module 1—Introduction
AO In-Hospital for ORP; Online Trauma Module 5—Osteosynthesis of the proximal femur
AO In-Hospital for ORP; Online Trauma Module 3—Osteosynthesis with IM nail (Dutch)
AO In-Hospital for ORP; Trauma Module 1—Introduction
AO In-Hospital for ORP; Trauma Module 2—Osteosynthesis with plate and screws
AO In-Hospital for ORP; Trauma Module 3—Osteosynthesis with IM nail
AO In-Hospital for ORP; Trauma Module 4—Osteosynthesis with Cerclage Wire and External Fixation
AO In-Hospital for ORP; Trauma Module 5—Osteosynthesis of the proximal femur
AO In-Hospital for ORP; Trauma Module 6—Implant removal
AO In-Hospital for ORP; Vet Module 1—Introduction
AO In-Hospital for ORP; Vet Module 2─Osteosynthesis with plate and screws
AO In-Hospital for ORP; Trauma Module 7—Infection control

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Fields with a red asterisk (*) are mandatory and must be completed.